Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lonely Days

This past Monday, A started full day kindergarten.  This is an exciting and important milestone in her young life.   And in mine.  For the first time in 15 years, I don't have a kid home with me at least part of the day.  When J started school, N was a baby.  Likewise, when N started school, A was a baby.  But now my last chick has left the nest and is gone all day, leaving me with some very mixed emotions.  I've been a stay at home mom for 11 years today, since exactly one month before N was born.  And prior to that, I worked part time at a daycare center and J went to work with me.   So this week, I've been feeling a little lost being on my own so much during the day.  I know I'll settle into a new routine soon, but it's going to take me a little while to figure out exactly what that new routine will entail.  A few people have asked me if I'll get a job now that A is in school all day.  I don't plan to.  I'm happy and comfortable being a stay at home mom, and my afternoons and evenings will still be overflowing with mom duties.  I plan to continue my volunteer duties at the school, get to some long put off projects around the house, and maybe make a little time to do things I enjoy. 

And how is A doing with the adjustment to kindergarten?  She's loving it.  She's excited about being at school all day and getting to go to PE, music, and Spanish.  She's worn out when I pick her up, which makes the afternoons a bit of a challenge since she's a bit cranky.  On the plus side, she's going to bed easily at night.  And she goes off to school each day with a smile, which is really the best thing a mom could ask for.

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